Every week, families rush to the veterinary hospital with a beloved pet who has suddenly lost vision. There is confusion in the faces of these animals, and their families are searching for any glimmer of hope that vision and the life they knew before blindness can be restored. In many cases, their four-legged family member has a disease for which there is no cure or quick-fix, and no amount of medicine or surgery can reverse the damage. But this is not the end of the conversation.
The world is full of blind animals that are nothing short of amazing. When animals lose vision, or when they are born blind, they learn to adapt in ways that can inspire all of us. They rely on other senses beyond even their superior hearing and sense of smell. They readily take cues from texture, vibration, wind current and temperature gradients to compensate. The goal of this website is to provide inspiration instead of worry and awe instead of pity.