Sully was rescued from the streets of Egypt. With a shaggy face in perpetual motion, at first glance you wouldn’t notice that his eyes are gray and enlarged. Sully lost vision from glaucoma over the first few months of his life, but that has not slowed him down. His family describes him as “non-stop, pedal-to- the-metal”.
At home with his new adoption family, Sully sets up a game by hiding his bone in the backyard in a different spot everyday so that he can search it out the next morning. Even if a family member or a furry housemate takes the bone and hides it, Sully will tear out into the acre-wide backyard and return triumphant!
He also likes to involve his furry siblings in his antics inside the house. When the family settles to watch TV every evening, Sully claims his high post on the couch while the other dogs rest on the floor around the couch. Using all senses other than vision, Sully deliberately identifies a sleeping body to position his dismount and then dramatically soars over them each and every time.
His family also reports that Sully hopes to join a search and rescue team one day!